Get Involved
There are a number of ways you can get involved and support our work in Lanark.
Become a Member
Lanark Community Development Trust is volunteer-led charity dedicated to designing and delivering projects which have a positive economic, environmental or social benefit in the town of Lanark. We rely on a committed membership base made up of the local community and local businesses. If you are passionate about driving positive change in Lanark, join as a member to support our organisation.
Membership of Lanark Community Development Trust is open to all who subscribe to our Memorandum and Articles of Association. There are two categories of membership:
Lives in Lanark, are 18 or over and eligible to vote in local elections in a polling district including all or part of the community.
Either – is 18 or over and lives in the community of Lanark but is ineligible to vote OR is 18 or over and does not live in the community of Lanark but has been nominated by voluntary organisation which supports aims.
Membership of the Trust is currently set at £1 per annum with payment with £5 being collected to cover a five year membership period. The date for renewal of payment is 1 July.
As a volunteer-led organisation, Lanark Community Development Trust aims to provide meaningful opportunities for local people to get involved with a range of projects in their community. We involve volunteers to bring a fresh range of diversity and skills to the organisation. Volunteers are an essential resource in supporting the successful delivery of a range of projects.
Below are our current volunteering opportunities and projects you can get involved with.

We are proud to be Volunteer Friendly
Project Opportunities
at Castlebank Horticultural Centre.
We are always looking for more Community Gardening Volunteers to join our friendly team at Castlebank Horticultural Centre. Meet new people, get some fresh air, learn new skills and green your fingers. Help us restore the historic Castlebank Gardens to their former glory and grow fresh produce in the growing compound.
For further information, please email
From time to time we’ll have a number of positions which require filling. Occasionally these may be one-off, paid pieces of work but primarily we’ll be offering quality volunteering opportunities from this part of the site.
Keep dropping by to see if you’ve got the qualities, skills, experience or enthusiasm we need at that particular time!
You may be interested in volunteering with some of our local partners or visit VASLAN (Voluntary Action South Lanarkshire) for opportunities across the whole of South Lanarkshire.
- New Lanark Trust – a wide range of volunteering roles across the World Heritage Site.
- Lanark Tolbooth – steward volunteers for the Heritage & Arts Centre.
- Lanark Parkrun – event volunteers every Saturday morning at the Racecourse.
- Healthy Valleys – health and wellbeing community volunteers.
Do you have an idea you think needs further testing or perhaps you have the appropriate skill set to offer one of our existing initiatives? If so, drop us a line or give us a call and we’ll do our level best to accommodate your contribution. We know that everyone has a valuable contribution to make and will be pleased to hear from you so please get in touch.
Donate to the Trust
You can also support our work and current projects by giving a one-off donation to the Trust. You can do this via PayPal below. If you would like to support our work more regularly, you may consider joining us as a member.
Postal Donation
Cheques can be made payable to Lanark Community Development Trust
Please post to Castlebank Horticultural Centre St Patrick’s Road Lanark ML11 9EG